Antibullying Week - November, 2024.
We enjoyed a week of celebrating our differences and learning about the importance of respect. ‘Odd Socks Day’– children, staff and parents were invited to wear odd socks on to help celebrate our differences.
The theme this year is ‘Choose Respect’. Children took part in sessions in school and the antibullying ambassadors delivered a collective worship to KS2.
We regularly talk about bullying in school and what to do if you see bullying behaviour of feel you are being bullied; Antibullying week is the perfect opportunity to reinforce these messages.
Our fantastic KS2 antibullying display on the theme of ‘Choose Respect.’
Our School Antibullying Displays for Make A Noise, 2023.
Our school is a place where everyone has the right to be themselves. It is a place where everyone can feel safe, be happy and learn. Everyone at our school is included and acts with respect and kindness towards each other. Our school takes bullying VERY seriously, no matter who you are.
Throughout the school year, we reinforce the antibullying message in a variety of ways:
Promoting and taking part in National Antibullying week in November each year.
Having a dedicated member of staff as the antibullying lead – Mrs Richardson.
All staff are available to support and deal with any issues of bullying.
Ensuring the children know who they can approach/ talk to if they/ someone they know is being bullied
KS2 antibullying ambassadors – this invaluable team of children help to promote the antibullying message daily
Antibullying collective worships and class based sessions – delivered at least once a term
Worry boxes in class
PSHE sessions to reinforce the antibullying message
Keeping Safe Week
Promoting tolerance, respect and kindness through everything that we do. Our school vision reflects this: ‘ Let love and kindness be the motivation behind all that you do.’
Our Child-friendly Anti-bullying policy can be found by clicking on the link below:
Our Anti-bullying policy can be found by clicking on the link below:
We will be planning lots of activities for the children to take part in to encourage them to choose to take care of others and to show how everyone at Ravenshead C of E Primary School is united against bullying!
Our anti-bullying focus will start on MONDAY 15th NOVEMBER with ODD SOCKS DAY when children and school staff can wear odd socks to celebrate differences and uniqueness. Children will then have Collective Worships and sessions in classes based around the them ‘One Kind Word’.
Useful links for Parents and Carers:
Odd Sock Day Songs
Here are the links to all of the songs that Andy and the Odd Socks have made to support Anti-bullying Week since Odd Socks Day started.