Requesting a Holiday
Requests for Absence in Term Time:
1. Parents/Carers should complete a Withdrawal from Learning in Term Time Form at least 4 weeks before the intended
2. School will decide whether or not to authorise the absence and will send a letter to the Parents/Carers. Absences will only be authorised for exceptional circumstances.
3. Where the request has not been authorised, any absence relating to the dates stated on the original request will be
recorded as unauthorised. School may request that the Local Authority issue a fixed penalty notice.
4. Where it becomes known that the absence is for a previously undisclosed holiday, school may request that the Local
Authority issue a Fixed Penalty Notice. The penalty is £60 per parent per child and this rises to £120 if paid after 21 days
but within 28 days.
In order to comply with the Amendments to the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006, applicable from 1st September 2013 (which removed references to family holiday and extended leave as well as the statutory threshold of ten school days), the Headteacher may not grant leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.
In order to comply with these regulations, Ravenshead C of E Primary School will not authorise a request for absence in term time for:
- Holidays during term time.
- Day trips or long weekends.
- Taking part in sporting activities or events e.g. football tournaments for club sides, adventure activities etc.
- Children accompanying parent/carers on business trips.
- Weddings.
This is not an exhaustive list.
For a Withdrawal from Learning application form (to request an authorised school absence) click on the link below:
Attendance Protocols
- Notify school on the first day of absence by phone to explain the reasons for the absence.
- Notify school, by phone, on subsequent days of the absence to provide updates. School may waive this requirement where it is known that the absence may be prolonged.
- School may request medical evidence where absence is 5 days or longer.
- Should the absence not be authorised, school will instigate procedures for concerns regarding attendance.
- Where it becomes known that the absence is for a previously undisclosed holiday, school may request that the Local Authority issue a Fixed Penalty Notice.
Nationally, good attendance is defined as above 95% and children whose attendance falls below this level will not be able to fulfil their educational potential. Poor attendance is defined as below 90%. It is our mission to ensure that every child has access to a high-quality education and the opportunity to engage positively with the school. It is important to us that all children are able to enjoy a feeling of belonging to their class and school community and good attendance only promotes this.
Where school has concerns about patterns of absence or punctuality over a 6 week period the following will apply:
Parents/Carers will be sent a letter and a copy of the child’s attendance record to explain any issues and to request improvement.
If the concerns persist:
Contact will be made with parents/carers to request a meeting to discuss the concerns and to agree a resolution.
If the concerns persist:
School will refer the case to the Attendance Officer. An Attendance Plan will be completed. Future attendance will be closely monitored.
If the concerns persist:
School will refer the case to the LA’s Targeted Support and may request that the Local Authority issue a Fixed Penalty Notice.
Attendance Level |
Number of days absent this equates to |
Amount of absence during the year |
Number of lessons missed |
School time missed by the end of Year 6 |
95% |
One day off a month |
10 days (2 weeks) |
50 - 55 |
Nearly ¼ of a year |
90 % |
One day off a fortnight |
19 days (nearly 4 weeks) |
95 - 100 |
Nearly ½ of a year |
85% |
One day off every 7-8 days |
29 days (nearly 6 weeks) |
145 - 150 |
Nearly ¾ of a year |
80% |
One day off each week |
38 days ( nearly 8 weeks) |
190 – 200 |
Nearly 1 whole year |
For the full Absence and Attendance Policy, please click the link below: