PE and Sport Premium
We work closely with Joseph Whitaker Secondary School, which has sports college status, to enhance the quality of our work in P.E. Our Year 6 children benefit from half a term of transition by visiting Joseph Whitaker for their P.E. sessions during the Autumn Term (accompanied by staff from school). They then participate each term in an inter-school festival with the local feeder primary schools to enable them to get to know the children in their future classes at secondary school.
We are fortunate that we have a large playing field as well as extensive playgrounds which are used effectively to ensure that all children receive the 2 hours per week of P.E. that they are entitled to.
Children in Y3 and Y4 experience a 10 week block of swimming at a nearby swimming pool.
Overview of the Teaching of PE for Each Year Group
Progression in PE
Sports Funding - Amount of Money Received Each Academic Year
2022 - 2023 £19,339
2021 - 2022 £19,520 (estimated amount as it has not fully been received in the budget at present).
2020 - 2021 £19,520