Our First Day of OPAL Play!
OPAL in action
Did you know that play makes up 20% of school life? Your child's play per academic year in school is 231 hours (equivalent to 37 days which is 7.4 weeks)!
The Opal Play team (who will be working hard to make lunchtimes amazing for your children) are:
The program takes 18 months to complete with the school site being developed during this period, with the children fully involved in the process. Have a look at the attached video which shows a school that has already been on the journey.
We are having a 'soft start' this term before we really go for it in September! On May 20th, the children from Foundation to Year 6 will mix at playtimes and be able to access the whole school site (apart from the school woods). There will be music playing and equipment such as chalks, bubbles, dressing up, small world play, teddies.
Each fortnight, the children will have a play assembly where we will celebrate the great play that we have been observing, inform them of the new things being introduced e.g. equipment and loose parts, negotiate with them on how to develop the play and use the equipment safely, innovate and think of what to plan for next.
We will give you a regular update in the weekly newsletter, hopefully sharing some pictures to show how it is going as well as asking for any items that you may have lying around that you no longer need.